安妮·克里斯滕森·道尔参与中心, Learning, & 领导

The name of the Center recognizes the important work and dedication of our colleague, 安妮·克里斯滕森·道尔, 谁在9月1日去世了, 2012 while serving as the College's international admissions counselor. 在她的职业生涯中, 安妮负责海外学习项目, 安排国际游客参观, and ensured that Hawkeye 社区 College and 网上最好的赌博软件下载 met all requirements of the Department of Homeland 安全 relative to the admission and enrollment of international students. Anne held baccalaureate and master's degrees from the University of Northern Iowa.

安妮·克里斯滕森·道尔参与中心, Learning and 领导 is supported by generous gifts from Anne's husband, 网上最好的赌博软件下载 alumnus Timothy Doyle; from Anne's father and stepmother, David and Glenda Christensen; and from Anne's friends, 的同事们, 以及其他家庭成员. 有了这些支持, 该中心将以联系教师为己任, staff and students to community needs through mutually beneficial partnerships that develop civic responsibility and sustain community commitment.

连接能力, staff and students to community needs through mutually beneficial partnerships that develop civic responsibility and sustain community commitment.

The vision of the Center for 订婚, Learning and 领导 to promote:

  • CARING - Demonstrate the core values of 网上最好的赌博软件下载 through service experiences.
  • DIVERSITY - Promote engagement through diverse service experiences.
  • PARTNERSHIPS - Develop a sustainable network of mutually beneficial partnerships within the community.
  • EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE - Improve the lives of others by providing exceptional service to the community.

The goals of the Center for 订婚, Learning and 领导 are to:

  • Develop an institutional culture to support and sustain community service and service-learning.
  • 培养公民责任, leadership development and lifelong learning through engagement in service
  • Enhance existing community partnerships and build relationships with diverse partners through collaboration.

Committed to nurturing and strengthening student engagement and leadership through service-learning experiences.

网上最好的赌博软件的第二学期, Traditional pre-licensure BSN students are eligible to apply for the Honors Program. 荣誉课程由三个部分组成, one credit courses taken sequentially during the final three semesters. These courses may be used to fulfill the nursing elective or a general education elective requirement. Teaching strategies used in these courses include face-to-face seminars and service-learning experiences.


AC: 316a服务荣誉:多样性和沟通

The focus of this course is to gain exposure to diverse populations and improve communication. Students engage in experiential learning using critical reflection, 为社会提供服务. A minimum of 15 contact hours at community agencies during the course are required.


Building leadership skills and cultivating the ability to work in groups is the focus of this course. Students engage in experiential learning using critical reflection, 为社会提供服务. A minimum of 15 contact hours at community agencies during the course are required.

ac316 C服务荣誉:服务

The final course in the three-part series focuses on service and the impact service has on communities. Students engage in experiential learning using critical reflection, 为社会提供服务. A minimum of 15 contact hours at community agencies during the course are required.

细胞 -服务学习

服务-learning is a teaching method that connects learning in the classroom to active participation of service to the community.


  • Under which students learn and develop through active participation in thoughtfully organized service experiences that meet actual community needs and that are coordinated in collaboration with the school and the community.
  • That is integrated into the student’s academic curriculum or provides structured time for a student to think, talk or write about what the student did during the actual service activity.
  • That provides students with opportunities to use newly acquired skills and knowledge in real life situations in their own communities.
  • That enhances what is taught in school by extending student learning beyond the classroom and into the community and helps to foster the development of a sense of caring for others (National 社区 服务 Act of 1990).
  • 网上最好的赌博软件下载 Students currently enrolled in the 护理学院 and the 卫生科学学院 take designated courses that provide service-learning activities connecting students and the community.

服务 Learning helps to develop responsible health care providers who recognize the value of community. Student involvement in these experiences allows 网上最好的赌博软件下载 to fulfill its mission of educating and developing individuals as health care professionals who are committed to caring, excellence and lifelong learning through educational and experiential programs and community service. In addition to meeting the mission of the college, other student benefits include:

  • 提高批判性思维能力.
  • 更好地运用课堂所学知识.
  • 作为社区参与成员的发展.
  • 学习新的解决问题的技能.
  • Develop a stronger connection with the academic institution.
  • 提高学生保留率.
  • Increase likelihood of participation in volunteer activities in the future.

社区 service days are scheduled each semester for students, 教职员工支持网上最好的赌博软件的雪松谷社区. 网上最好的赌博软件与以下组织合作:

  • 雪松谷植物园
  • 雪松谷小径合作伙伴
  • 希望之家
  • 东北爱荷华食品银行 
  • 救世军
  • UnityPoint - Allen医院

For additional information regarding community support, please contact 艾米.Weston@fdbbinbin.com or (319) 226-2028.